

    hello everyone, maybe there are still people here who don't know me. as the saying goes, we don't know then we can't love, Let me introduce my name is Ghulam Faza Ahadan, I was born in Bandung on March 21, 2005Exactly right now I'm 17 years old and now I'm officially an Indonesian citizen because I already have an Indonesian ID card XD. I can't believe it's been 17 years I've gone through various phases of life, and of course everyone experiences the same thing. 

    I have faced many obstacles so that I can get to this point, and I understand that my journey is not just getting here, my future awaits me. and only I can determine my own future, everything is in my choice. happy? sad? angry? whatever happens in the future I will try my best to pursue what I have thought from the start, a dream? I can only pray to god, but not only pray, prayer without effort is a lie as well as effort without prayer is in vain. and here's how I should be able to adjust the two things into balance.

    Speaking of goals, do you have a goal or not? I'm sure everyone has big dreams but apart from the similarities everyone has that dream, surely everyone has a different way to make those dreams come true, right? sure right. because I also have a dream that I have to pursue but before that I want to tell you how I got to where I am today.

    started from when I set foot in an elementary school called MI Al-Adzkar. at that time I was still in grade 1 elementary school who did not know what direction my life would lead in the future. still think that for example life is just to play and just satisfy the desire for pleasure in oneself and after that it's done, like a child who doesn't want to know what lies ahead but is only looking for happiness. then over time I grew up, not just physically. My way of thinking is getting older too. At that time, when I was in 4th grade, I started thinking about what my future plans would be, and at that time I chose to become a doctor. because I thought when I became a doctor I could help people.

    Besides that, I also started to open up my other talent, which is playing futsal. when I was in elementary school I often participated in inter-school futsal competitions but I couldn't achieve satisfactory results but the highest award I ever won was 3rd place happy but not satisfied.

    Long story short, after I graduated from elementary school, I entered junior high school, namely MTs Assakinah. It was during high school that this changed my life. maybe some of you know that at this junior high school I was boarding school at school. and at this junior high I got a lot of interesting experiences, useful knowledge. not only learn lessons but here also learn about religion. read the quran, study it, and learn to be an intelligent person. Besides that, the hobby that I mentioned earlier is futsal at this junior high school. I continued to develop it and finally I got satisfactory results because I was able to become the 1st place winner at that time and represented my region to compete outside the city. but unfortunately when I continued to compete, I didn't get good results but I felt that I had struggled a lot to get these results. Not only that, when I was at school, I also got many achievements, such as getting the best student in the class, then the best student in reading the Koran and others. I'm so glad I've grown to be better.

    However, everything was lost when there was one disaster that scared the whole world. namely covid-19, yes that's right that's when everyone can no longer hone their talents again. everyone is silent in the house that is as strong as possible to protect us from this virus, a very deadly virus, a virus that can kill most of the human population. everyone was affected, including me!.

    I was not able to do anything at that time. I can only pray and hope that this virus will stop quickly and cause everything in me to almost disappear. Everything I have is held hostage by this disastrous disaster. and that's when I no longer think about how I will be in the future and I'm just looking for fun because almost 2 years less I've been staying at home blocked by the door of the house that seems to prevent me from getting out. and at that time I graduated from junior high school online, where the previous year when the last batch of graduation was celebrated in a big way but for now it's not, I can only see colleagues behind the laptop screen can't joke and laugh with each other. how terrible this pandemic is. and at that time I finally found an interesting school to continue. Initially, I was hesitant when I entered this school because I received news that this school was a favorite school in Bandung, yes, that's right, SMA 3 Bandung.

    but it wasn't there when I first felt like I was entering a high school 3 Bandung. I feel that the environment is different from before, it needs a new adaptation in order to be able to follow the environment at SMA 3 Bandung. at the beginning of grade 10 I did not have any friends because I was still in my comfort zone, namely with my old friends from junior high school. I didn't think much of it ahead and finally various problems at that time arose including my poor grades. you could say I used to get good grades but now it's a lie.

    I didn't know what to do and I left everything to God who had arranged. but over time for some reason I forced me to think ahead to think more maturely, and seemed to say "if you want to grow, you have to get out of your comfort zone" and finally I found one of the student council work programs, namely student council management training. and that's where I decided to join the training. Little by little I changed the pattern of my life, the flow of my life I learned many things from the work program. and I forced myself to grow further which originally went down and is now trying to go up again. and fortunately I got the momentum, now I am an organization administrator and I am vice chairman of this organization, I got many things, I also got many friends and now I feel lucky to have friends who always support me. happy or sad they always cheer me up no matter what problems there are we are always united to face these problems together. and now I have thought carefully about how I will be in the future. And now I have a purpose in my life.

    My goal in life is to be a useful person for mankind. and now I'm in grade 12 and I have a dream to get into my favorite state university, STEI-K Bandung Institute of Technology, I know it's very difficult to get into. but I convinced myself that I can achieve it. with great effort the prayer that I often recite. and my fighting spirit in studying the materials for the exam later. and most importantly with my experience that I can develop again. I hope that those of you who are reading this will be successful and together we will build a better civilization of mankind, without any enmity and strife. I'm sure when you do your best the results will be good.

    that's my story and my goals for the future, thank you for reading, hopefully the story can inspire you to be more enthusiastic about pursuing the future, I'm ghulam faza ahadan goodbye.
